
One-stop digital ecosystem

One App

Connect users with massive content and services. Provide higher value to users, increase user activity and loyalty

One Account

One-click authorization sign in and no installation required

Multiple Services

Mini App open platform to help you build a prosperous service ecosystem

Consistent Experience

Unified payment, sharing and interaction framework, compatible with any device

NSAF platform architecture

All in one app

SuperApp is an all-in-one platform, which is becoming the preferred solution for large service organizations around the world.

Mini App, connect users and services

One click to login 3-rd party service

Support multiple login methods

Rich third-party integrations

Payment, essential for SuperApp

Simplified setup

Fast payments

Multi-payment methods

Communication, connect users

For app users

  • Personal & business socialization
  • Remote service (government service, medical service, eg)
  • Remote consulting
  • Remote training

For platform admins

  • Internal communication
  • Remote training
  • Internal collaboration
  • Business socialization
  • Offer remote service

Common communication function

Professional managing service to ensure SuperApp success

Our team has rich experience in managing services in different regions for many years, providing services for the full project lifecycle.

Successful SuperApp cases